Saturday, March 10, 2012

Story @ Home 2012

The last two days I have been attending a conference about "story-telling." The conference ticket was a gift to me from my family. They found out about it and said, "Mom, you need to go! You are the story-teller in our family and hopefully this will be something you will enjoy."

Well, it has been enjoyable. Yesterday there were some speakers - some motivational, others just good story-tellers. Today they had a workshop with a variety of classes to choose from. I chose to learn more about the blogging world - only to discover that there have been several "blogging" conferences held in Utah already. Hey - I was in school full time and wouldn't have had time for this anyway!

Of all the classes, the most empowering one was about taking your fear and turning it into reality. I admit that I have this fear (lack of faith?) in myself. This week I am going to do some rethinking about what it is I want to do, create that "vision board," and learn to move forward towards that goal of redefining the possibilities.


Stepper the Mighty said...


Was the one about turning fear into reality the one by Jenny Eckton? I was so sorry to miss the last two classes, but my husband wasn't feeling well. :(

I watched for you on Saturday - I saw you once in the chapel, but you were on the other side of the room, and then I didn't see you again. :( I wanted to hear how the story slam was!

Maybe I'll see you at another blogging conference in the future! :)

Olives and Pickles said...

Nice blog. thanks for sharing all this with us.

AnnCP said...

STepper - Sorry it has taken me so long to reply! The motivational class I loved was with Heather Madder and the other lady, Jani Parkin?

Olives and Pickles - thanks for dropping by!